
In Time for the Holidays...

Miel Designs is now offering Canadian currency at par to all Canadian buyers.

As many of you know, Etsy operates exclusively on an $US basis.
A few months ago, that was fabulous for we Canadians! But now, not so much.

So until Janurary 31, 2009, $CND =$US at Miel Designs!

Before finalizing your payment with Paypal,
please convo me to let me know you'd like to pay at par.
I'll then send you a revised Paypal Canadian currency invoice.

Mention this blog post or my Facebook page
and get shipping for free!

Pour les Fêtes...

Cette année, Miel Designs vous offre tous ses bijoux en devise canadienne!

Comme Etsy fonctionne uniquement avec la devise américaine pour l'instant,
les prix chez Miel Designs sont habituellement de même.

Mais pour un temps limité, et ce jusqu'au 31 janvier 2009,
$CAN = $US!

C'est donc dire qu'un item marqué 25,00$ US chez Miel Designs vous sera offert à 25,00$ CAN.

Vous n'avez qu'à effectuer vos achats comme d'habitude, mais attendre une fois arrivé à l'écran de paiement. (Là où il faut cliquer "Paypal".)
Je vous enverrai par la suite une facture révisée en dollars canadiens.

De plus, mentionnez ce blog ou Facebook
dans la section commentaires
de l'écran de paiement
et je paie pour vous les frais d'envoi!


Crochet Zen

Well, it certainly has been a long time since my last update, hasn't it!

A few new things since then: I've added new items to my shop and I've taken up crochet!

Yes! My grandmother would be proud! She had originally taught me to knit, when I was little, but I never really stuck to it. More recently, I found out that to knit properly, I'd at least have to learn how to purl. That didn't work out so well. I just couldn't get the hang of it. So, still wanting to play with yarn, I decided to try something else. Crochet! If I couldn't make knots into fabric with two sticks, I might be able to do it with one! And I was right! Or rather, I took the time to learn properly. With a kid's kit. The best way to learn! Klutz's Learn to Crochet in Six Great Projects really did the trick for me. The instructions and illustrations are very, very clear. With a bit of practice, I just couldn't go wrong. Yay!

I'm now making everyone crocheted gifts for Christmas! Finding affordable, quality, natural fiber yarns has also been an education in itself. Luckily, I have the good people at Ravelry to thank. Their user yarn ratings, among other features, are very useful.

So far, I'm pretty happy with my work. Really, I think I may have a knack for this. And I'm finding the whole thing immensely enjoyable and zen.

On the jewellery front, I've slowly been adding new pieces to the shop:

Moreover, and this is the main reason for this post I admit, I've decided to offer Canadian currency at par to all Canadian buyers. As many of you know, Etsy operates exclusively on an $US basis. A few months ago, that was fabulous for us Canadians! But now, not so much. So until January 31, 2009, $CND = $US at Miel Designs. Good, eh?

I still have a few more items to add and am always happy to take up a custom project. Send me a note and we'll talk!