
On comments... ~*~ Pour ce qui est des commentaires...

I've made it possible for everyone to comment here without having to login to Google or Blogger. Hopefully, this will encourage everyone to say hello every once in a while.


Il vous est maintenant possible de me laisser un commentaire sans avoir à vous inscrire à Google ou Blogger. En espérant que ceci saura vous encourager à me laisser un p'tit bonjour un fois de temps en temps.

*image courtesy of bjearwicke at stock.exchng. See more of his photos at http://www.garrisonphoto.org/

Update on the Basalt Bracelet

She likes it! Hurray!

I'm really glad, because I wasn't sure we were envisioning the same thing. It's always difficult to design new jewellery for someone else without basing yourself on an actual existing piece. You're never sure what you are imagining is even close to what your client wants. So, we sent pictures back and forth and kept the conversation going. And finally, we both were satisfied with the result.

It's funny. In my listing on Etsy, I described it as being "a delicious steampunk-style bracelet". It turns out that my client, an author, is writing a steampunk-themed novel at the moment! Coincidence? Probably. Then again, you know what they say about great minds and all that...

By the way, I'd be remiss if I didn't highly recommend checking out her works. Her name is Nathalie Gray and she's a fellow Canadian. Word to the wise, Nathalie writes romantic erotica (Hi Mom!) and hers is definitely not for the faint of heart. Her maxim is "Explosions and... romance?" If this sounds good to you, and it should, visit her website here. Her stories are totally kick-ass! And make sure you tell her Mel sent ya!